Love Cordial 750ml
Love Cordial 750ml
A beautiful Rose Petal & Lime syrup, with a delicate fragrance and subtle refreshing flavour.
We like to mix it in a big jug with lots of ice, (Gin & Vodka optional!) throw in a few strawberries, a slice of lime, maybe a mint leaf or two. Sometimes we splash a little in champagne or pour a trickle over ice cream. Frozen, it makes fantastic (and natural) popsicles for the kids. A great addition tossed through fruit salad, used to make a sorbet or even add a splash to a trifle!
- Regular price
$15.40 - Regular price
- Sale price
Mambo Cordial 750ml
Mambo Cordial 750ml
This refreshing and exotic Mango & Lime combination will have your taste buds dancing every time. The unmistakable fragrance and flavour of real mango is balanced with a slight lime tartness. Try this cordial as a delicious addition to sparkling wine.
- Regular price
$15.40 - Regular price
- Sale price