Love Cordial 750ml
Love Cordial 750ml
A beautiful Rose Petal & Lime syrup, with a delicate fragrance and subtle refreshing flavour.
We like to mix it in a big jug with lots of ice, (Gin & Vodka optional!) throw in a few strawberries, a slice of lime, maybe a mint leaf or two. Sometimes we splash a little in champagne or pour a trickle over ice cream. Frozen, it makes fantastic (and natural) popsicles for the kids. A great addition tossed through fruit salad, used to make a sorbet or even add a splash to a trifle!
- Regular price
$15.40 - Regular price
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Mambo Cordial 750ml
Mambo Cordial 750ml
This refreshing and exotic Mango & Lime combination will have your taste buds dancing every time. The unmistakable fragrance and flavour of real mango is balanced with a slight lime tartness. Try this cordial as a delicious addition to sparkling wine.
- Regular price
$15.40 - Regular price
- Sale price
Heat Cordial 750ml
Heat Cordial 750ml
This amazing chilli cooler cordial changed our lives and marked the formation of the Alchemy Cordial Company as our very first flavour. We tasted it at a dinner party in Byron Bay (where else?) and its clean refreshing taste and its sensational kick reminded us a little of the old brewed ginger beer Grandpa used to make!
Mix HEAT with any white spirit and soda, but beware - the bubbles make you sneeze!!
It’s another of our cordials that make a great sorbet and amazing ice blocks for kids or grownups.
- Regular price
$15.40 - Regular price
- Sale price